Animated explanation of the science behind chiropractic manipulation.

Exploring the Science Behind Chiropractic Manipulation

So you know how Chiropractic used to be all about putting bones back in place, straightening the old chassis out and freeing nerves that had become trapped because of stuck joints? Well, that’s not quite the case anymore. It’s time to explain what we think actually happens when we manipulate a joint.
The Modern Approach to Chiropractic Manipulation

In the modern era of chiropractic care, the focus has shifted from simply aligning bones to a more intricate understanding of the mechanisms at play. Chiropractic manipulation involves more than just repositioning joints; it’s about harnessing the body’s own healing responses.

Unraveling the Post-Manipulation Phenomenon

After manipulation, a fascinating cascade of events occurs within the body. Nerve endings surrounding the joint and within stretched muscles come alive with a flood of information. This leads to notable changes in the spinal cord and specific brain regions, as illuminated by functional MRI scans.

The Intricate Mechanisms at Play

The transformation brought about by manipulation translates into remarkable benefits: reduced pain, improved movement, and an enhanced sense of wellbeing.

Temporal Summation and Pain Inhibition

One theory that sheds light on the magic of chiropractic manipulation revolves around the concept of temporal summation. This process involves continuous nerve signal bombardment, which can eventually lead to pain signal transmission. Manipulation, through its stretching of muscles and joint capsules, stimulates tiny nerve endings. These nerve endings, in turn, relay positive signals to the spinal cord, effectively blocking pain signals. Simultaneously, this process can induce relaxation in the muscles surrounding the spine.

Descending Inhibition: The Brain's Role in Pain Control

Another intriguing explanation for the pain-relieving effects of manipulation lies in descending inhibition. This neurological process is orchestrated by the brain, where inhibitory signals are released, modulating certain inputs at the spinal cord level. This natural pain-controlling mechanism contributes to the overall effectiveness of chiropractic care.

Enhancing Wellbeing Through Chiropractic Manipulation

In essence, chiropractic manipulation goes beyond mere physical adjustments. It taps into the body’s intricate network of nerves, muscles, and brain connections to orchestrate a symphony of healing responses. By understanding and harnessing these mechanisms, chiropractors empower patients to experience not only pain relief but also improved mobility and a profound sense of wellbeing.

Picture of Dr Neil Cuninghame

Dr Neil Cuninghame

Hillcrest Chiropractor

2 Meyrickton Place, Hillcrest

031 035 1165

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