
Stretches are amazing for movement and it’s something you can do that is quick and easy and which takes your body through a different range than what it has been in for the last little while. Your body craves movement and often those little aches that appear when we are sitting at our desk too long is just your bodies way of saying ‘move me’!

Here are a few of my favourite stretches to do to get things moving!

NB: It’s always important to have any aches or pains fully evaluated by a qualified health care practitioner before trying to just stretch them out.

Upper Back Stretch

TFL Stretch

Bum Stretch

SCM Stretch

Posterior neck Stretch

Trap Stretch

With 14 years of clinical experience, Dr Neil Cuninghame has evolved his practice to specialise in pain management and holistic wellness with a post graduate diploma in interdisciplinary pain management and countless continued education hours in the field of pain. While maintaining his role as a Chiropractor and manual therapist, he has embraced the role of a healthcare case manager. This expanded responsibility includes collaboration with other specialists for comprehensive patient centred pain management.

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