Dr. Neil Cuninghame explaining the link between sleep and pain

Unlocking the Secrets of Sleep and Pain : Part 2

In our last video, we scratched the surface of sleep’s impact, but now, let’s unravel the fascinating story of how it affects pain.
Sleep and Pain: An Intricate Connection

In our last video, we scratched the surface of sleep’s impact, but now, let’s unravel the fascinating story of how it affects pain.

How Sleep Affects Your Pain Perception

Studies reveal that it can throw our pain inhibition pathways off balance, leaving us vulnerable to chronic pain’s grip.

It has also been found that sleep-deprived brains become hypersensitive to pain, with the PAG region (one of the brain’s important pain control centers) going into overdrive. Plus, the somatosensory cortex gets super jumpy around painful stimuli too. And, did someone say Thalamus and insula taking a snooze? Yes, less activity there too!

The Role of Melatonin in Pain Regulation

Now let’s meet the sleep superstar – Melatonin! This hormone isn’t just about the sleep-wake cycle; it’s a conductor in the pain symphony too. Melatonin’s dance through brain pathways like NMDA, GABA, Opioid, and Nitric Oxide systems is pure magic, regulating sleep and pain. But when sleep’s disrupted, Melatonin’s mojo goes missing, impacting our nervous system’s harmony.

Inflammation and Pain: The Sleep-Deprivation Connection

Sleep deprivation also rings the inflammation bell, raising pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-6. These troublemakers surge after a restless night, amplifying pain’s presence in the morning light.

So, the next time you toss and turn, remember that you’re not just missing out on Zzz’s – you’re messing with your body’s pain-guarding mechanisms too!

Empower Yourself for a Pain-Free Tomorrow

But fear not, knowledge is power, and now you’re armed with the secrets of the sleep-pain saga. Share this reel, spread the wisdom, and let’s all rest easy – for a pain-free tomorrow!

Picture of Dr Neil Cuninghame

Dr Neil Cuninghame

Hillcrest Chiropractor

2 Meyrickton Place, Hillcrest

031 035 1165

Find me here

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Dr. Neil Cuninghame explaining the link between sleep and pain

Unlocking the Secrets of Sleep and Pain

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